Meet Your New Luxembourgish Teacher

A Love for Languages

Hi, I’m Sven Ehmann, 28-year-old Luxembourger and founder of LuxLessons. I’ve been providing effective online Luxembourgish training to private and corporate clients since 2017. I’m a language specialist with an MA in Conference Interpreting (Arabic-German) from the University of Leipzig. I’ve also studied linguistics at Waseda University, Tokyo.

Enabling People to Learn Luxembourgish Fast

Motivated by my students’ frustration with traditional language service providers and the difficult language situation in Luxembourg, I’ve created a modern and comprehensive online Luxembourgish program, empowering students to learn Luxembourgish fast, pass the citizenship exam and go beyond level B1.

Leading by Example

Teachers should practice what they preach. I was able to go from zero to UN-level Arabic in just five years. Watch me explain the essence of Luxembourgish in Arabic to see where my learning methods can take you.

What my Students Say